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S.O.S. Juniper Forest Chania


ON THE SOUTH COAST OF CHANIA, Crete Island, Kedrodassos (Juniper Forest) is located. An amazing beach full of trees (mistakenly confused with cedar TREES) sand dunes & people.

In a previous blogpost, I-want-pink-sand, Elafonissi Beach, we highlighted the problems that the over-tourism wave has created, in the name of ''development'', to the sensitive and rate eco-system of the Elafonissi beach in Crete, even though it is included in the European Union's protected environmental network, better known as NATURA 2000.

We analyzed the modern reality & made practical suggestions on how things can change & evolve for the better. Thankfully, many, many other people all around the world, share the same vision with us.

The human presence in sensitive environments & eco-systems, result in a continuous degradation of these areas. Over the last years, through the rapid expansion of the internet and several apps such as Google Maps, there are practically no hidden places left on our planet.

In the Greek language Kedrodassos comes from two words: ΚΕΔΡΟΣ (kedros) = Juniper & ΔΑΣΣΟΣ (dassos) = Forest.

The Cretan juniper species are Juniperus oxycedrus* (subsp. macrocarpa) & Juniperus phoenicea*. All the main areas of Juniper woods in Crete are under a protection network that called Junicoast . Although most of these areas are located in isolated places, they still receive too many visitors every summer.

The reality in Kedrodassos is no exception to this alarming phenomenon.

Full with juniper trees (often mistaken for cedar trees) and sand dunes, the Juniper Forests of Crete form some of the most important eco-systems of Greece, covering an extensive area of 11 hectares and they are truly magical.

What isn't magical, it must be said, is what visitors leave behind after their stay or visit.

In short, the situation is unacceptable: uncontrolled number of daily visitors & free campers polluting the environment with plastics and garbage, pitching their tents on top of the juniper roots & cutting branches off the trees to fuel their barbecue!! I have seen this with my own eyes...

Additionally, there are small and large speed boats all around the big beach, people spearfishing just a few meters from swimmers, thousands of flies buzzing around & toilet papers behind the bushes.

It is totally understandable that people seek to visit & experience this unique place. We, humans, need to have a direct connection with nature. This is in our DNA. We also need to respect nature to maximum. If this earth paradise gets destroyed, how could we possibly replace it? Or, are we moving on to the next available paradise and repeat?

Juniper tree forest Chania

If you plan to visit Kedrodassos or you already have been there, you should note that these trees are highly fragile and need our utmost respect. Unintentionally and without realizing it, visitors sometimes cause severe damage to these plants. The most common harmful acts are breaking branches for lighting fires, camping under the shade (thus destroying young roots) or cutting dry branches. Even if branches of the cedars seem dry/dead, they are alive and grow extremely slowly; by only 1cm / year.

Changes for a better reality

Many things can be done in order to have a win-win situation for ''Kedrodassos'', the Juniper Forest of Chania.

  • First of all: PICK UP YOUR GARBAGE!!! If you don't do it, probably no one else will.

  • Carry them back to your vehicle when you leave & throw them out at the large garbage bins that you'll see at the side of the road.

  • Do not light fires.

  • Do not cut tree branches or the sensitive sand flowers.

  • Be careful of where you step. If you decide to stay overnight, sleep under the stars. Tents harm the juniper roots; it might not be visible to the human eye but it does harm them.

  • No speed boats close to the shore. It isn't only the pollution that they create but also safety reasons in case of an accident (it'll take a long time for a rescue team to get there). The same applies for spearfishing.

  • Use of non-chemical sun protection creams only. When people enter the sea covered with standard sun creams, this create a film of chemical oil that lays on the sea's surface which is toxic for all sea life. Choose sea-friendly creams.

  • One very effective action is for a non-profit organization to be created, under the supervision of local authorities, who would be responsible to educate the visitors & protect this sensitive eco-system.

  • A small symbolic entrance ticket will suffice to cover the expenses. This is already happened in the Samaria Gorge. Why can't it be done elsewhere?

Elafonissi Kedrodassos Chania

We strive to shed light & raise awareness about the problems facing our rare ecosystems from over-tourism, to all visitors of Chania. We need to discuss these subjects openly and each one of us to promote eco-responsible travel at a human pace.

Through our Travel Agency Bonnie and Clyde Urban Tours we promote only

non-touristy tours & experiences always in small groups & with a human approach to the core. We are creating experiences to remember, always environmental friendly.

Elafonissi beach Chania

Read about the problems in Elafonissi here 👉🏿 :

- Bonnie and Clyde Urban Tours

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for all the information we used in this article.

Bonnie and Clyde Urban Tours Crete Greece

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Bonnie and Clyde Urban Tours
Bonnie and Clyde Urban Tours
Apr 13, 2023

Thank you for being part of the movement & choosing eco-responsible travel agencies & being an aware, conscious traveller!! Yes!


Apr 12, 2023

😓Thanks for bringing awareness about what's going on in Greece and Crete. It's good for eco-tourists to know what's going on, in an honest way. That helps make better travel decisions and speak up for long-term environmental impact. Great job!! Keep it up!

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